Opening a restaurant in Westchester NY

What do you need to satisfy the Health Department? 1. Step 1, get your local municipality involved, contact the building department in the area you wish to open your food establishment, or restaurant. Go through their vigorous steps, there will be many. 2. Contact your local Health the department, the regulatory group in your area, every county is different, google them, call them, send emails, there will be an application, there are fees involved, and a list of criteria you must follow in order to open. You will be required to have insurance. 3. Take a Food Safety Manager’s Course from Westchester Food Safety. There are several options, Westchester Food Safety offers live classes which is extremely important and will ultimately help you get the knowledge you need to run a successful food establishment. The Heath Department requires at least one manager per shift be certified in Westchester with the Servsafe Certification. Westchester Food Safety offers this, and our course is short and straight to the point.